
Sunday 10 September 2017

Easy steps to know about Crawling and Indexing for Google

Crawling is a term that is used by search engines to send the bots to your page and read that page whereas Indexing is the other step that ensures your page to be officially shown in search engines.

Crawling and Indexing are very important terms in SEO world and is required to know how they are co-related with each other.

Google Crawling

Crawling means following your links around the website. Google uses its bots or software that are known as webcrawlers and these webcrawlers will discover the available pages on the web, get the data and bring it on Google servers. These crawlers will come to your website and follow all the other linked pages on your website and for that reason it is important to upload xml sitemap on Google Webmaster to allow all the pages of your website.

Google Indexing

Google Indexing is the process of adding web pages into the Google search. Google first crawl your pages and then Index your pages based on the Meta tags you have used. Whenever a query is asked, the algorithms will look for the searched keywords in its index and based on that it will show the result. If no index tag is selected it means that the particular page can not be index in the Google search.

Google Crawling and Indexing depends on following factors

- Mega tag settings can affect Indexing and crawling to a great extent.
- Duplicate contents can affect Indexing and crawling and your page may not be indexed in case of duplicate contents.
- Sitemap is very important factor that should be created, if you create sitemap it indicates Google for indexing of your pages.
- Internal Linking is another factor that affects Indexing and crawling. It also maintains active users on your site.
- Back links also affect the Indexing and crawling rate.

Some possible reasons for Google not Indexing your site

High no of Duplicate Contents - There is possibility that there are duplicate contents with multiple URLs that makes problem with Indexing.
Google might not found you - It takes more time to index for a new site. But if it takes longer time then you need to ensure your sitemap is properly uploaded or working fine from Google webmaster tool. You can also ask google to crawl and fetch your site through Fetch as google tab.
Blocked pages through robots.txt file - you can check robots.txt file where it may be blocked and you can edit the robots.txt file to simply remove the contents and it will again index your site.

Steps to be followed to get Indexed by Google

Solve Crawl Errors - Open your Google search console , add and verify your site. Check regularly for crawl errors identified by Google crawler and Fix the errors.
Submit Sitemap - Create an xml sitemap for your site and submit in Google Webmaster tool. This intimates Google to index for your site.
Update Regularly - Add and update unique posts regularly.
Good Internal Link Structure - Ensure proper linking within the pages of your website.

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