
Tuesday 15 August 2017

Vegetables - Highly nutritious, amazing facts and excellent health benefits for everyone

Vegetables play an important role in providing nutrition. Its rich nutrient value saves the body from numerous diseases and infections. They are full of Vitamins, Minerals and dietary fiber but low in fat and carbohydrates. They provide anti-oxidant Vitamin A, C and E. When we consume sufficient vegetables then there is reduction in possibility of Cancer, stroke, cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases.

The nutritional content of vegetables varies considerably. Some contains more protein and some contains varying portions of Vitamins, pro-vitamins, dietary minerals and carbohydrates. Some are rich in Potassium which helps in maintaining Blood pressure. Few vegetables have Folate (Folic acid) which helps in the formation of red blood cells.

All the nutrients needed for health can not be found in a single vegetable. So we must go for variety of vegetables. We must consume atleast 3 servings of vegetables and it will be good if you have 5 servings of vegetables. Vegetables can be taken either raw or cooked. One serving is half a cup which can be taken either raw or cooked.

Nutritional Benefits of Vegetables

Spinach - It is a good source of Vitamin A (in form of Beta-carotin), B6, C, E , K and Folate. It is great source of Iron and contains Pottassium, Calcium and Magnesium. It is low in Energy and contains Phyto-nutrients. It is low in Fat and cholestrol. They are important for skin, hair and bone health. It helps in controlling diabetes, lowers the risk of Cancer, reduces Blood pressure, lowers risk of developing Asthma and many more.

Broccoli - It is a good source o Vitamin C, A, folate, Vitamin B6, E and contains dietary fibre. It builds collagen, forms body tissue and bones, it helps healing of cuts and wounds. Vitamin C  is a powerful anti-oxidant and protects body from damaging free radicals.

Cauliflower - It is good source of Vitamin C, K, Vitamin B6, Protein, Thiamin, riboflavin, Niacin, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Fibre, potassium, manganese and a source of folate. It contains phytonutrients.  It may boost both your heart and brain health. It supports healthy digestion and detoxification. It helps in fighting cancer.

Carrot - It is a rich source of Vitamin A from Beta-carotene. It is good source of Vitamin C, K, Vitamin B8, folate, pantothenic acid, iron, copper, manganese and niacin. It contains fibre and potassium. It reduces cholestrol, prevents heart attack, prevents certain cancers, improves vision and reduces sign of premature ageing. It increases the health of your skin, boost immunity system, improves digestion. It detoxify the body and boost oral health in different ways.

Bitter Gourd - It contains Calcium, plenty of Vitamin K and Vitamin A. It helps in lowering your blood glucose level, prevents diabetes and osteoporosis. It improves health of your vision. It helps in detoxification of your lever. It has anti-inflammatory properties which helps in relieving chronic pain. All bitter food helps in removing unnecessary heat in the body. It is anti-cancer, boosts immunity system and helps in weight loss. It purifies blood, reduces cholestrol and helps to breakdown the Kidney stones.

Beet root - It is a good source of Iron, Folate, potassium and contains red pigments(called betalains) which helps boosting the body detoxification process and have anti-inflammatory activity. It helps in lowering blood pressure, boost exercise performance and prevents dementia. It increases blood flow, decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart diseases. It promotes healthy complexion and hair.

Bottle Gourd - It is a vegetable high in water content and is rich source of Vitamin B, C, K, sodium, iron, potassium and calcium.It  It helps in maintaining healthy heart and brings down bad cholestrol level. It is also beneficial for diabetic patients and maintains blood pressure. It has low fat and helps in weight loss also. It is good for digestion.

Fenugreek Leaves (Methi) - It contains Iron, manganese, copper , magnesium, phosphorus, Vitamin B6 and powerful phtonutrients. They possess antimicrobial, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. These are highly beneficial for treating poor lever functions, dyspepsia, treating gastric problems, dysentry , diarrhea and other intestinal issues. It helps in reducing Cholestrol, diabetes, heart problems and blood lipids.

Peas - They are a great source of dietary fibre, folate, riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. They are also a good source of thiamine,manganese and niacin. They are one of the best vegetable sources of protein. They are a low fat and low calorie food. It helps in weight loss. They prevents stomach cancer. They are anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory and enhances the immunity. Its helps in prevention of wrinkles and osteoporosis. It maintains blood sugar level, good for eye sight and improves digestion.

Mushroom - They are good sources of anti-oxidants, niacin, potassium, phosphorus, protein, Vitamin C, selenium and Iron. They are low in fat, calories and carbohydrates. They decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart diseases. They promotes healthy complexion and hair, increased energy and lowers the weight. It improves immunity and digestive function.

Lady Finger (Okra)- It contains good folate and Vitamin K. It contains minerals, Vitamin A and flavonide anti-oxidants such as betacarotine, santhin and lutein. They are also good source of Vitamin B6, niacin, iron, calcium, manganese and magnesium.They are rich source of mucilage substance that helps in digestion. It contains high dietary fiber and hence good for digestion. It prevents diabetes, asthma, constipation, sun stroke, colon cancer, obesity, cholestrol and skin pigmentation. It strengthens the bones in our body. It improves immunity, eye sight and prevents diabetes. During the pre-conception period, it helps in decreasing the incidence of neural tube defects in the new borns.

All vegetables are having good amount of nutrients. Try to include most of the vegetables in your daily diet to avail the varied nutrients from them. It keeps your body energetic and healthy.

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