
Thursday 24 August 2017

Walking is a perfect exercise for everyone with surprising benefits

Walking is a full body exercise which everyone can do easily. It is suitable for every age group. Morning walk is more beneficial as the morning hours has least amount of pollution in the air. Fresh air has high amount of oxygen which is good for proper functioning of body.

The morning air is rich in negative ions and oxygen is negatively charged, so oxygen will be more and it is better to breathe in that fresh air which will refresh your mind.

We must regularly go for walk for best results. It is low maintenance and easy to access.

Benefits of Walking

Makes you fit - It will make you full of energy, it boosts blood circulation and increases oxygen supply to every cell in your body which will make you feel more alive and fit. It improves flexibility and muscle strength. Brisk walking releases feel good endorphins which reduces stress and makes you feel happy. So walking makes you mentally fit also.

Weight Loss -  As today's lifestyle is not healthy, most of the persons are gaining weight. Walking is an easiest way to reduce weight. If you want to lose weight just start walking. It will be easy on your heart and you will work out without feeling exhausted. 30-40 mins of brisk walking is enough to burn calories and lose weight. Walking will do weight loss by reducing overall body fat.

Lowers the risk of Diabetes - Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which can be controlled by regular walk. Morning walk can help to improve blood sugar level control. It allows the cells in the muscles to use up more glucose, helps burn body fats that are not needed which benefits diabetes to a great extent.

Keeps heart Healthy - Walking reduces the risk of heart and cardio-vascular diseases and it strengthens the heart. Walking is a good cardio exercise, it lowers levels of LDL (bad cholestrol) and increases the level HDL (good cholestrol).

Regulates Blood pressure - Brisk walking can lower the risk of high blood pressure. Walking for 40 mins a day has proven to be helpful in reducing high blood pressure.

Good for bones and muscles - With age our bones becomes weak but regular walking can strengthen the bones. Walking prevents loss of bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis, fracture and injury. It also prevents arthritis. Walking helps in strengthening and toning the muscles and prevents muscle loss. Regular walking strengthens the leg and back muscles.

Improves Digestion - Most of the people are suffering from digestive problems so to keep our digestive system healthy we must walk regularly. Along with that we must maintain good food habits and drink enough water.

Boost Immunity - Walking is a good exercise which will boost your immunity and it strengthens the activity of immune cells.

Improves lung function - During walking we breathe more oxygen which results in increasing your lung capacity and also increases the stamina.

Delays Ageing - According to a survey, persons who walk regularly for atleast 30 mins a day live longer and have less age related problem.

Reduces stress - Walking improves blood circulation which provides nutrients and oxygen to the cells which reduces the cells level and uplifts mood. It also stimulates the nervous system receptors and decreases the production of stress harmone. Breathing in and out while walking also reduces tension.

Improves memory - Regular walking improves the memory in old age. Walk everyday to give your memory a boost.

Plan your Walk

- Fix a particular time, morning or evening, whichever suits you.
- Wear comfortable shoes and clothes.
- Walk slowly for first few minutes to warm up and then you can gear up the speed.
- At the end of walk, slow down for few minutes to cool your body and muscles.
- Keep looking forward and body relaxed while walking.
- Explore new paths to make your walk interesting.
- Best time for morning walk is between 5am to 7am.
- Don't forget bottle of water while walking.


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